
Learning in English

Children will be able to write for a purpose, including effective sentence structure, grammar and language.  This will be enhanced by exposure to a wide range of meaningful text, children will become skilled at pronouncing and decoding unfamiliar words which will lead to fluency and understanding of text.  Using phonics, children will be taught how to approach unfamiliar words and read them fluently. Children will develop the ability to plan, revise and evaluate their writing and become fluent at writing their ideas. 

Children will be habitual readers and be able to select their own material to read from a wide range of text.  To develop a wide vocabulary from their reading and writing and use this to express themselves and begin to understand the wider world around them and empathise with others. Above all else, children in our school will foster a love of writing and reading that will enable them to find their place in the world.

All the teaching staff at Moorings Way Infant School are working with Meon Infant and Meon Junior School colleagues to identify how our curriculum will meet the needs of our children across the three schools.

We believe it is important to plan the learning journey of the children from Year R to Year 6. Even though we are an Infant School, this does not stop us looking forward to what the children will learn next. This is vitally important. 

Useful Websites

Click the below link to find out how we are Learning to Read using Phonics:

For more details about the English Curriculum including spelling lists follow the link below:

Phonics at Moorings Way

At Moorings Way Infant we strive to make every child a reader and share a love of reading within school and at home. To support this early reading is taught through the Read Write Inc programme, which is validated and complies with the DFE requirements as published in July 2022.

During Phonics lessons pupils are systematically taught the phonemes (sounds), how to blend the sounds for reading, and how to segment the sounds in order to write words. Children are taught how to use their phonic skills and knowledge as their first approach to reading, but are also taught how read ‘red words’ which do not completely follow the phonic rules.

Read Write Inc lessons take place daily and are fast paced to engage all children. Pupils are assessed and grouped according to their Phonics knowledge and Phonics Screening is regularly used to ensure that are able to make excellent progress.


English & Handwriting

Reception Year: Handwriting Support for Parents

Order of teaching: Correct letter formation

Curly “c” letters:

c over the top and round

o curly “c” all the way round

a curly “c” up, down, flick

d curly “c” all the way up, down, flick

g curly “c” up, down, give it a tail

q curly “c” up, down, kick

s curly “c” and round the other way

b straight down, up to the middle, round to the bottom

h straight down, up to the middle, over and flick

l straight down, flick

k straight down, up to the middle, loop and a kick

p straight down, up to the top, round to the middle

t down and round, take your pencil off, and across

f over the top, straight down, round the other way and across

j straight down, round, give it a dot

i short down, round, give it a dot

m down, up, over, up, over and flick

n down over and flick

r down, up and over

u down, up, down, flick

y down, up, down, give it a tail

v down, up

w down, up, down, up

x across and across

z straight, across, straight


Year 1 & 2: Handwriting Support for Parents

Order of teaching: Single Letters (Reception Year and Year 1)

c a d g q o

e s f

i l t

u y j k

r n m

h b p

v w x z

Joins Y1/2: Introducing the four handwriting joins

First join; un um ig id ed eg an or ing ung

Second join; ch sh th tl ll ill sli slu ck ack st sti ink unk

Third join; od pg re ve oon oom

Fourth join; wl vl of ff fl flo

Practise the break letters b p g q y j z

Practise capital letters

Joins Y2: Revision

Practise the break letters b p g q y j z

Practise capital letters

Joins Y2: Further Practice of the Four Handwriting Joins

in ine

ut ute

ve vi

ok oh

sh as es (practising two ways of joining the letter s)

ri ru ry (practising joining from the letter r)

oa ad as (practising joining to and from the letter a)

ee ea ed (practising joining from the letter)

ow ov ox (practising joining from the letter o)

ky hy ly (practising joining to the letter y)

ha ta fa (practising joining to the letter a)

od oo og( practising joining from the letter o)

er ir ur (practising joining to the letter r)

ai al at

o you oi

re oe fe (practising the horizontal join to the letter e)

fu wu vu (practising the horizontal join to the letter u)

ot ol ok (practising joining to ascenders)

ai al ow ol (practising all the joins)